Monday, October 20, 2008 Y 12:01 AM

Hola to fellow readers! From now on this blog would not be just about Nissa the Stinkypoo princess but it'll be about a pair of Panda breed hamster brothers called Chaotah and Orhtah and plus hammies babies that XJ and Maxi produced. :)

First of all, Nissa has grown quite big but not as fat as those hamsters seen in some pet shops. She's of healthy range! :) Really pretty and fussy lady. She loves all the treats I've gotten for the hams, for example her favourite would be the Pumpkin biscuit. Hahaha. Whenever the packet is opened and she smells the biscuit, she would be peeking through the cage as if eager to munch on it. Haha.

The two panda brothers are doing well, running about actively and annoying the crap outta Nissa but I suppose she's getting used to those little rascals. Lol. Honestly, they stink worse than Nissa and the mess they made was far more scarier than that Stinkypoo. Furthermore, I really don't like their attitudes, always biting my fingers. Nissa doesn't even bite me anymore! Zzz, those two little fellas must be disciplined someday. But I enjoy disturbing them by going "BOO!" whenever they are noseying around the cage. Hahaha. :P

Next, Maxi and XJ has two baby robos so far(according to Mari) and I'm really happy that XJ finally can be a daddy! xD I'm a little sad cause that means more workload, more responsibility and more cash pumped into the pet supplies, oh well.. We chose to let them breed, so yeah. Haha. :) Mari and I ARE RESPONSIBLE OWNERS unlike some people out there.. They just irks me and I feel like kicking them in the nuts/arses to make them understand that pets are not toys but friends that need our care and concern. Get that, you losers out there. :)

And congrats to Mari for getting Tomi/Lavi the white bunny. She's really happy about it and yeah, I think he's cute too as long he doesn't poop or pee on me that is. I'll probably scream my head off if it pee-ed on me! Lol! Alright, a few photos to keep this boring blog interesting and lively! More updates next time! :)


XJ asleep on my lap. :) Isn't he cute!
Maxi asleep.

That's XJ hiding in the darkness. Haha.
XJ on Maxi.
Mari stroking Maxi to sleep..
XJ:"Hello, aren't I cute with my two small eyes? Hehehe."
XJ:"Look! I can run like the wind!"
XJ:"Ouch mommy, you're squeezing me a little hard but I shall pose for the camera!" :D
Maxi snoozing while Luna and XJ were out to play.

Maxi just woken up with her messy fur. Hahaha.
That's XJ crawling all over me.
That's Lavi the white bunny, he's sleeping! :D
The two mischievious panda brothers, Chaotah and Orhtah! :)