Tuesday, August 26, 2008 Y 11:34 PM

HOLA HOLA! Finally I've managed to force myself down to giving the readers of this blog a proper update rather than to keep you all waiting. :) First of all, Nissa the Stinkypoopoo is doing very well and I've just changed her bedding a few hours ago and she's as hyper as before, running around in that ball while I was cleaning her cage. Her appetite has grown and she's starting to eat more than she used to, is that good or bad? Anyway, she's growing healthily, getting fatter I suppose? Lol. She has also gotten noisier than before, gnawing on her cage more often in the wee hours, trying to get my attention and only stopping when I take her out to play. :D

Ok, and you guys must be curious, who's the little guy that has joined the hammie's family? His name is Xiao Jun(Little Handsome) and he's a Roborovski but he's just a normal Robo, not the white faced breed. He officially joined the family on 14th August alongside with another male and female robos as companions. :)

Let me describe this new addition to the family to all the readers. At first sight, he's just like any other robos, but after looking at him, you'll see the difference, he has ears that are so big that they made him stood out among his companions. Among the three robos, he has smaller eyes than the rest and that's another way to differentiate him. He's roughly about 1 month plus old and according to Mari, he's a greedy little guy who runs straight to the food bowl whenever she changes the food and stuffs as much as he could into his pouch. Haha. Adorable little thing. :)

Initially, he's afraid of getting touched by us and slight movements of the hand could scare him out of his wits and send him scampering off to the other end of the cage. Lol. Slowly, he's gotten used to human touch and has calmed down whenever he's being taken out of the cage. He's very energetic, like all robos are and he's always running about, sniffing the clothes and everything. He would poop once in awhile and that can be very annoying at first but you'll gradually get used to it and he'll stop pooping once he's used to you. Lastly, he likes to cuddle with his companions and sometimes he would fall asleep on my lap with my hands shielding him from the light. :DD

Next up would be XJ's companions, Luna and Maxi. They both belong to Mari. Luna is the smallest and youngest out of the three and he has only 3 legs. But that doesn't make him any slower than the rest, to be honest, XJ's the slowest out of them. HAHA, eat too much I guess? :P Luna's a little of the scaredy cat and tends to run non-stop when he's taken out and placed on the hand, he doesn't rest like the other two robos. He's has a face that can be recognised straight when you look at him cause he's a little mixed from the white-faced family. He likes to squeeze in between the other two robos and he's also a little busybody, always noseying around but that makes him so lovable. He likes to sniff Maxi but is always getting rejected by her and then he would run off to find his best pal, XJ. Hahaha. Being a 3-legged hammie makes him cute too, because of the way he hobbles around and climbing up the ladder. I believe he will grow to be like any other normal hamsters. :)

Lastly, Maxi the only female robo out of the three. She's a tough little hammie but she's got a weak spot when it comes to protecting the other two guys. She's roughly about the same age as XJ and she has bigger eyes than XJ and her ears have veins that are abit more visible. She gets scared easily too and would run away when she sees your hand coming in to the cage but the funny thing is, when she's in your hands, she just let you pat her and stroke her fur without struggling. Lol. But she can't be let down onto the ground as she would dash off in the blink of an eye. She's a little of the big sister type and the other two males would hide behind her when they sense danger. And when the other two guys are taken out to play, she would go off to some place and just sleep. She's able to sleep anywhere, as long she's comfortable and feel safe. :)

Alright, that's all about it, I guess. More updates soon. :D Unfortunately, there's something wrong with blogger and I can't upload the photos. Fret not, I promise to upload them soon! :D Take care now, bye.

Monday, August 18, 2008 Y 4:14 PM

Apologies to all dear readers of Nissa. Her blog would be on hiatus till probably after 21st August. Anyhow, there has been an addition to the hammie's family, she has a brother, a Robo breed though. His name would be revealed when I'm back after exams. Sorry for any disappointment. Hehe. :) Thanks for your kind understanding.


Monday, August 4, 2008 Y 8:00 PM

Hello to all. First of all, I would like to apologise for not updating Nissa's blog for so long. Lol, been kinda busy lately and also partly due to my laziness that I've been procrastinating about updating her blog. If she even understands this, she's gonna say,"Mommy, you're so lazy! Let me blog myself la!" Hahahaha. Oh well. Anyway, she's putting on weight and growing bigger.. So that's a good sign of healthy growing hamster, right? Haha. Btw, when I tried cleaning her cage two weeks ago, she escaped from the ball and ran towards me.. Awwh, she didn't even attempt to run away into the holes. Sweet little girl, eh? Haha...

She's so cute yet very messy. It's tiring and troublesome just cleaning up the cage. Roar! Nissa, mommy loves you so much that seeing you happy just makes all those cleaning worthwhile. :) Mommy wants to get you a boyboy to play with and hopefully, you'll accept him and love him with your heart and hahahha, bear cute little grandchildren for mommy. Hehehe. :P So then you won't be lonely in that huge cage of yours anymore. Be good k, mommy will be busy for this few weeks and after that, mommy will spend more time with you. People, don't worry.. No matter how busy I get, I'll still change her food, water, bathing sand and take a few minutes to just take her out and let her run around on my hands.. Hahaha. Just that after exams, I'll spend even more time with her.. Haha, probably bring her out to look for a suitable boyboy. :D

Alright, I bet you guys miss her, so here's some pictures of her and oh, her godbros. Haha. It's hard to take a good shot of her nowadays cause she's always showing me a little butt. Oh well. More updates next time round, cheers! ;)
Qiuyi: "Boys, come pose for Godmama!"
Boys:"OK, GODMAMA!" xD

That's Ciaowii. Sweet little darling he is. :)

Bubu:"Eh, watcha doing?" LOL!

They are GERBILS. Spell, G-E-R-B-I-L-S! Gerbils. :)

Nissa:"Mommy, I'm shy laaaaa.. Later all the boyboy want jio me la!"

Nissa:"Handsome boys, look at me! Hehe." xD

Nissa:"Mommy, what are you doing?" *sniffs*

Nissa:"I want a handsome boyboy to love and for me to love!" HAHAHAHAH! xP