Monday, July 21, 2008 Y 9:10 PM

Alohaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :) Nissa's mommy is here to update the readers. Heh. Past few days were super fun for Nissa, another huge adventure for the little princess Stinkypoopoo. Hahaha. :P

Finally moved her into her big and pink "palace", which has three levels to it and has so much room that she's practically messing up the whole place as if to let the whole world know that's her territory and only she has access to it. Hahaha. She's been pooping all over the cage which I don't really like seeing the scene of it all. Ugh. It'll be really niggling when the time comes for the cleaning up of the cage and also, changing of bedding and stuffs. Gaaaah, I bet I'm gonna need more than half an hour to do all the cleaning stuffs...

Ah well, that's what being a responsible owner should do to ensure that their pets are well-taken care of right? Haha. Furthermore, I wouldn't want my little princess to fall sick due to the unhygienic environment if I were to be lazy and not change her bedding and clean her cage properly... Lol. Anyhow, just two days ago, there was confusion as to whether she's really a female or a male.. Ok, confused? Let me explain then...

It kinda happened while I was playing with her, when I noticed that she has a thing at her privates. It looked like... a peeeeeeenis. Lol. So yea, and I thought I had seen wrongly on the day I got her from Haojie.. And because of that, I was confused about her gender, wondering whether I should call her a "he" or a "she". I even had to resort to calling "it"! Omg, I just felt so bad for that two days..

Thoughts ran through my mind, like what should I call her if she turned out to be a male? Lol.. I didn't want to change the name cause by then she would have gotten used to the name, Nissa. Haha. So yea, it was kinda nerve-wrecking but somehow, a decision was made, no matter what gender it is, I'll still love it like before and it'll still be my little precious Stinkypoopoo. Haha. :)

Sooooo... I brought her to the petshop today while at the same time accompanied Nissa's Uncle M to get "his" gerbils. Lol. And guess what? The aunty told me....that... Nissa's..... a GIRL! YAY! Hahaha. Now I can continue calling her "Meimei" and "Princess".. Haha. -grins- :) Haha, what a blur mommy she has.. :P Oh well, I'm planning to get her more stuffs like another running wheel to be installed at the bottom level of the cage, that means she'll have to running wheels. I might get her another companion too, so then she wouldn't be that lonesome in sucha huge mansion. Haha.

Plus, now she has two godbrothers, Ciaowii and Bubu. They are both M's gerbils and they are huge, compared to Nissa. Hahaha.. Although I'm like their godma, I'm scared to touch them cause I don't like rodents with long tails. Eeek, freaks me out. Haha. :P Too bad. Ok, time for eye candies, photos!!! WOOLALA~ Bye!

Nissa: "What you staring at?"

Zomg, look! She's translucent! Hahaha.. xD

Spot her! Hahahaha.. :DDD

Starting out... Hmmm...

The first level...

Constructing the second level....

Done! Three levels! :)

She's camera shy.. :\

I had to hold on to her to take a shot.. Look at the hamster, not my boobs. Haha.

Saturday, July 19, 2008 Y 1:02 AM

Hola hola! All fellow readers of Nissa's blog, her mommy's here to update again! Heh. Do you guys miss her or anything? She's doing fine, eating well, very active at times but sleeping most of the time. Hahaha.. She's gotten used to my scent and doesn't nibble on my fingers anymore. What a good girl she is, right? Hehe. :)

Owners should take their hamsters out to play with them more often, to let them get used to your scent so that they wouldn't bite you or what.. If they do, hit their mouth gently and say in a firm tone,"No!" .. They'll listen and not bite again. :D Hehe, try it! Remember, not too hard though!

Btw, Alvin's getting the 3 storeys high cage for Nissa tomorrow! Yaaaaaaay! Alvin, you rocks la! Hahahahaha. Thanks man! :DD Nissa will be sooo darn happy can. :) Okok, photos for you guys! Update soon! Bye!
She loves running in the ball. Haha.

Nissa: "Hey, look! I'm a pretty good model, yo!"

She likes to take half of her face, very act cute, I know. Haha.

Trying hard to climb onto Mount "Palm". -.-


Tuesday, July 15, 2008 Y 11:25 PM

Hehe. Finally, a personal blog for my little precious princess/Stinkypoopoo, Nissa. :D Too bad the URL of was taken, else I would have straight away used that. Haha, oh well.. Meganissa isn't that bad right? :) I'm gonna make full use of this blog to post Stinkypoopoo's photos and update her godmamas, godpapas, godsisters, godbrothers, godaunts, goduncles how she's doing. :D

Alrightey, first post. I brought Stinkypoopoo to school today and yea, as usual.. she was basking in the attention of the on-lookers.. Graaaah, I wish I was her so I could have that much attention too. Hahaha.. Oh well.. :P Anyway, sneaked her into the lab for Excel lessons and Ms Chua actually didn't noticed her. Hallelujah. Haha. :) Elwin was like so crazy over her.. Kept taking her out to play with her right? Haha... See, told you guys Nissa's so irresistable. Lol. She just kinda slept throughtout that few hours and whenever I went over to Elwin's table to look at her, she would tend to wake up.. I guess she could smell her mommy huh? Haha.. :)

During lecture, for fear of her feeling too cold, borrowed M's bag and used my crumpler to cover the sides of the cage. Haha, and she was so comfy in her bedding.. Looked so cute when she was sleeping. :) After lessons, ended.. M and I went to Thomson Plaza to look for her gerbil's food and she bought mealworms for her gerbils but she fed Nissa one of it and I guess Nissa did like it huh? Haha.. But I was too grossed out to even touch it.. Argh. :\ And and and, I took Nissa out and let her crawled all over me.. She was running so fast that it was kinda hard to catch her.. Haha, naughty little poopoo. xD

Aye, anyway.. she's back at that spot of hers and she's sleeping soundly right now.. Probably a huge adventure for her today. Haha.. I can't wait for that 3 storey high cage for her.. I bet she's gonna be so friggin' happy. YAYYYYYYYYY! :DDD Lucky girl. Alrightey, time to go now.. Updates soon! Anyway, enjoy the photos! ;D

Nissa, mommy loves you alot alot! <33s>